Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Not Studying For My Exam in 58 Minutes

So earlier I was "studying" with Emily, and I came across the best paragraph ever written in a science textbook:
"An analogous situation is moving one grain of sand from a beach into your eye. There are so many grains of sand on the beach that the loss of one grain is not significant, just as the movement of one K+ across the cell membrane does not significantly alter the concentration of K+. However, the electrical signal created by moving a few K+ across the membrane has a significant effect on the cell's membrane potential, just as getting that one grain of sand in your eye will create significant discomfort."
Double-u-tee-eff? How weird. Unfortunately, I can't relate, so good thing I already understood the concept. Anyway, that sentence totally derailed my studying, and I haven't been able to prepare for this exam since. Yeah... that's it....

Wish me luck!

Currently listening to: Yael Naïm - "New Soul" and Justice - "D.A.N.C.E."

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