Wednesday, January 30, 2008

80 Pa'cent!

That'll teach me to think I can get by solely on my good looks...

(Update): ...or maybe I can? I got an A on my microbiology exam!

Not Studying For My Exam in 58 Minutes

So earlier I was "studying" with Emily, and I came across the best paragraph ever written in a science textbook:
"An analogous situation is moving one grain of sand from a beach into your eye. There are so many grains of sand on the beach that the loss of one grain is not significant, just as the movement of one K+ across the cell membrane does not significantly alter the concentration of K+. However, the electrical signal created by moving a few K+ across the membrane has a significant effect on the cell's membrane potential, just as getting that one grain of sand in your eye will create significant discomfort."
Double-u-tee-eff? How weird. Unfortunately, I can't relate, so good thing I already understood the concept. Anyway, that sentence totally derailed my studying, and I haven't been able to prepare for this exam since. Yeah... that's it....

Wish me luck!

Currently listening to: Yael Naïm - "New Soul" and Justice - "D.A.N.C.E."

Monday, January 28, 2008

Case of the Mondays

Today I had my first microbiology exam. I think I got all the answers right except for the one I double-guessed myself on... ugh, why don't I trust myself?? I knew that metachrome granules had phosphorous in them, but what if my professor was trying to trick me??? He wasn't. Either way, ever since the MCAT, it seems like exams don't stress me out, I walk all over those bitches... if I have actually done the reading, which I haven't for my next exam on Wednesday. Better get crack-a-lackin' on that tomorrow.

You know what's annoying? When the chief of staff to the mayor sleeps with him and also lives at the end of your block. There are news trucks all up in my grill! My dog and I went for a walk earlier, and they were completely blocking the sidewalk with their cameras and cheap suits, so I had to walk in the slush... nobody makes me walk in the slush. Do you know who my father is??? Damn you Kwame Kilpatrick! The fact that he's mayor makes me feel really badly about a lot of the citizens of Detroit and their lack of intelligence... someone had to vote for him.

Anywho, let's see, what else did I do today? I cooked a fabulous dinner - scallops alongside angel hair with olive oil, white wine, roasted garlic, and tomatoes. Too bad nobody was here to enjoy it... maybe I never made it? I guess you'll never know for sure...

In sum: pffft!

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I just watched The Green Mile, and my heart won't stop hurting!

Friday, January 25, 2008

TJ Maxx Is Spying On Me!

Today, I was studying peacefully in the basement lounge of the law library at Wayne when a normal-looking student-aged man walked in. He asked for two quarters to make a phone call with b/c his cell phone wasn't working, I told him I didn't have any change, and he began to leave the room. I prematurely thought that this normal interaction was at an end. Wrong... oh was I wrong.

He turns back around and walks towards me while saying "I know I don't know you, but..." which was terrifying - was he going to finish the sentence with "... maybe I can diddle your bajinko" or "... put the lotion in the basket" and then keep me locked away in a hole in the ground and wear my skin as a suit?

Instead, he said something I never would have predicted. Ever. Really. NEVER. In short, he said that TJ Maxx was spying on him... what I pieced together from his rambling was that he made some sort of complaint to TJ Maxx headquarters about his work environment (btw, he is a TJ Maxx employee). Since that complaint, the managers have told other employees to refrain from speaking to him because he was a threat to the company. Additionally, TJ Maxx bigwigs sent people dressed in blue to install cameras and microphones inside his house in Beverly Hills, MI. He even showed me his I.D. to prove he lived there. It was hard to read it as my mind was figuring out a possible escape plan as well as reviewing self-defense tactics I learned at flight attendant training (my coffee was no longer hot enough to throw in his face and make a difference), so I can't really tell you if his I.D. in fact read 'Beverly Hills'.

So anyway, these cameras were apparently installed in every room of his house, even in his closet. He told me that TJ Maxx is using information gathered from his house, including his closet, to make him and others believe he is crazy. He even gave me examples. Here's a gem: As he rode the Woodward bus from 14 Mile last week, a fellow bus-rider that boarded at 12 mile was wearing a plaid button-down shirt that was the same make and model as the one he has had sitting in his closet for years. At 10 mile another passenger got on wearing his old pants (as he grabbed a loose area of his pants and shook them for emphasis). At 9 mile, he noticed someone in the same boots he was wearing at that very moment! Coincidence? He thinks not.

Here's more evidence (that I didn't ask for): this morning when he left his house he discovered green and brown paint that TJ Maxx's goons strategically painted outside (he wasn't specific as to where - a tree? the driveway? a neighbor-kid's face?). These two colors have shown up on everyone today - the janitor cleaning the upstairs of the Law building, three students leaving the library, and someone else, I can't remember, but they were all paid to do this by TJ Maxx. When was this memo sent out? I have green and brown clothes, where's my money??

This crazy man then told me how he went to a spy store in Southfield and was only encouraged by the owner of this shop to seek the truth, because he is probably just as paranoid and unhinged as this freak-ball. Finally, after ~30 minutes of delusions, he apologized for interrupting my study time and informed me that he was just trying to spread awareness. Awareness that someone is always watching me, you, him, everyone, but not to be scared.

What a fruitcake! Who wants to go bargain hunting at t-t-t-TJ Maxx?? "You should go"®