Friday, February 8, 2008

Always Getting Burned By Men...

...this time, physically!
Today I was doing a lab experiment in micro with my lab partner, who really is a good kid, but has a bad habit of not paying attention and screwing things up at times. In this particular lab, we had to sterilize our instruments and slides by dipping them into a 95% ethanol solution then quickly passing them over a flame so that the ethanol would momentarily catch fire and evaporate off.
The second-to-last step of the experiment required ethanol/flame sterilization of a thin glass coverslip that was to be placed over our 'mold square'. In order to not break this thin piece of glass, it was necessary to pass it quickly over the flame and not overheat it. Although this is common sense, it was expressed several times in our lab handouts and by our instructor. However, some people seem to have missed this piece of advice, i.e. my lab partner. As I was holding the mold agar by the flame to prevent contamination, he dipped the coverglass into the ethanol, immediately placed it over the flame (did not pass it over) while having a conversation with someone about non-microbio related things, and then caused the coverslip to shatter. A piece of it, still on fire, fell into my palm and burnt me, and hurt like the dickens! (yes, I said dickens... you're jealous!) When he asked me what happened, I tried to explain it, but he didn't get it, so I said it was fine, rinsed my hand under cold water, left, then cried. I was pretty P.O.'d, but to my lab partner, as Tupac once put it, "I ain't mad at cha", because you didn't mean to. But pay attention next time, dayum!

Now I'm sitting at the UGLi with nothing to do as I forgot my physio book to study from. In 40 minutes I have physiology, then I'll work out and pick up that girl I drive home on Fridays... what's her name? Oh yeah, Emma or something.

Peace. it. out.

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