Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today I went to Ann Arbor to meet with my pre-med advisor... med-school application status: terrifying. Apparently I don't look good on paper. Unless it's a picture of me.

Other than that, I finished my mom's mother's day painting on time, and here's a little of the finished product. The entire painting wouldn't fit on the blog, so here's a link to see the whole thing: Daffodils.

...and the cookies I made tonight because I wanted one. I made up the recipe a few days ago, but gave the first batch away to Stacey for her BBQ.


Unknown said...

The painting is so beautiful!! I want one!! The cookies are beautiful too, I want some of those too.

Bitzy said...

You should post more pictures of things you baked, and then you should describe them... as in, you should blog.