Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today I went to Ann Arbor to meet with my pre-med advisor... med-school application status: terrifying. Apparently I don't look good on paper. Unless it's a picture of me.

Other than that, I finished my mom's mother's day painting on time, and here's a little of the finished product. The entire painting wouldn't fit on the blog, so here's a link to see the whole thing: Daffodils.

...and the cookies I made tonight because I wanted one. I made up the recipe a few days ago, but gave the first batch away to Stacey for her BBQ.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

"Dam girl!"

So yesterday I was helping my dear friend Stacey set up for her beer pong BBQ in Ann Arbor. As we were attempting to unload the heavy keg of Bud Lite (ick), this lanky black man comes running up to help us move it onto the front porch. As he's moving it, he's telling me that he saw me from a few houses down, and I got the whole 'ooh girl, you so beautiful' and 'look at your curves' stuff... you know, basic protocol. He said he was a painter (as in painting the exterior of the house a few doors down), and, unfortunately, said he'd be back with his card. Skip a couple hours and look who shows up at the door, this guy trying to holla-holla-holla-holla. As I'm telling him that's great, grand, wonderful, and escaping to the top floor of the house, he gives me his "card" and tells me to read the back of it when I get a chance. Not only was his presence creepy, but it was super embarrassing. This is the note:

I know it seems mean of me to trivialize this poor guy just trying to get around, but after it happens X times a week, it just gets really annoying. I was watching Big Medicine today, and this woman was obese because she was actively trying to avoid the attention of men. And although it's not for the same reason, I think about it sometimes when I'm just trying to walk down the street and not be made uncomfortable. Example: The other day I was walking in the rain on Wayne State's campus when a man physically lifts up my umbrella to look me in the eyes and tells me how beautiful I am. When he asked for my number, I told him I have a boyfriend (lie)... in response, he says okay, as I'm walking away, he adds "...yeah you got a fat ass too, mmm mmm mmm". And although that's a compliment to him, I was super self-conscious for the rest of the day, and was practically backing in the corners to avoid any further attention my derrière may have drawn.

-Ms. Lady

Friday, May 2, 2008

If You Rap Like Me, You Don't Get Paid, and if You Roll Like Me, You Don't Get Laid...

Finally... some changes!

First, I'm done with Physiology and Microbiology, both of which I received an A in (unless my T.A. changes my Blackboard physio grade, which, knowing her, she may...). Funny that I took these classes; they were both after the whole flight attendant stint in which I decided to maybe become a physician assistant rather than a doctor, the P.A. program requiring both of these classes. During that time, I realized that my true goal is to become a doctor, I pretty much yearn to become one every day. The idea of being a P.A. is not something I would not consider, but only if I cannot get into medical school. When I see a P.A., I don't feel bad that I'm not him/her, but when I go to the doctor, I pretty much gaze longingly into his/her eyes because they're doing what I want to be doing. So this whole realization has led to me being back on the medical school track... not only do I have to retake physics (which I screwed up royally at Michigan), but I have started studying for the MCAT again (July 8th!). Thanks to Julie, my forever lifesaver, she has helped me get motivated to start contacting past professors and counselors to help me get my 'ish' together and begin my application process. So, I guess I'm on my way! I hope that medical school admissions can see past my first couple years of screwing around at Michigan, and my lack of tons of experience working with people, and my big fat booty. Although the latter may help my chances...

Also, I started painting again. I haven't done that for leisure since Italy in 2004, and even that was only really motivated by my Drawing in Italy class. Right now, I'm working on a 5' by 3' acrylic painting of huge daffodils on a bright red background for my mom on Mother's Day... sounds kind of boring, but it's pretty great so far. I'd post a picture but I don't want her seeing it, even though she can barely turn on the computer let alone find this blog.

Alright, time to learn more about sigma bonds between atoms... jealous??

P.S. New favorite band: MGMT (especially their song "Electric Feel")... thanks Chanel!